


The Association's purpose is to enhance legal assistance to colleges and universities by educating attorneys and administrators as to the nature of campus legal issues. It has an equally important role to play in the continuing legal education of university counsel. In addition, NACUA produces legal resources, offers continuing legal education programming, maintains a listserv (NACUANET) and a variety of member-only web-based resources pages, and operates a clearinghouse through which attorneys on campuses are able to share resources, knowledge and work products on current legal concerns and interests. 

Mission and Values

NACUA’s mission is to advance the effective practice of higher education attorneys for the benefit of the colleges and universities they serve.

NACUA and its members are committed to practicing and promoting the core values of quality, civility, service, collegiality, diversity, inclusiveness, and respect. Learn More

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NACUA Membership

NACUA is the premier organization in the field of higher education law and a primary source of information on legal developments facing colleges and universities. As a member you gain access to more than 5,000 attorneys to help you solve problems and discuss current issues in higher education law. Enhance your professional career by becoming a member!

NACUA Member Institutions

NACUA has more than 1,650 institutional campus members and 5,000 attorney representatives. Members are accredited, non-profit, degree-granting institutions from two-year and four-year, public and private sectors of higher education. Members can search the directory to find member institutions and attorney representatives. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about NACUA membership requirements, dues structure and eligibility? View our frequently asked questions about NACUA membership.


NACUA Staff Contact Information

Do you have questions about NACUA or want to learn more about getting involved? We are here to help.

View a list of NACUA staff members and contact us with questions.

NACUA Leadership

NACUA is governed by a Board of Directors and it maintains a commitment to volunteer participation through its Committees. 

Learn more about the current Board of Directors and Committees.


Are you looking for ways to promote your organization or firm to leaders in higher education law? 

NACUA sponsorship provides this unique opportunity.