WELCOME • 11:00 A.M. – 11:15 A.M. ET
Welcome & Opening Remarks — Stephen Sencer, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Emory University; Chair, NACUA Board of Directors
2020-2021 State of the Association — Kathleen Curry Santora, President and Chief Executive Officer, NACUA
Overview of the Annual Conference Program — Laura Todd Johnson, Senior Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel, University of Arizona; Chair-Elect, NACUA Board of Directors; and Chair, 2020-2021 Committee on Program for the Annual Conference
OPENING PLENARY • 11:15 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. ET
From Storm Clouds to Silver Linings: Using Adversity to Transform, Innovate, and Lead for the Future of Higher Education
As 2020 began, colleges and universities confronted serious but surmountable challenges, though there were cracks in the public perception of higher education and questioning by some of the value of a post-secondary degree. In addition, many institutions faced both declining enrollment and financial struggles. On top of this, institutions had to navigate a dense regulatory thicket and a challenging political environment on everything from sexual misconduct to undue foreign influence, along with rising tensions around free speech and bias on campus.
No one could have predicted what would come next, but just over one year later, the higher education landscape is immensely different, and yet these fundamental challenges have not abated. Instead, the compounding effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, nationwide racial justice protests, and a divisive presidential election have at once dramatically amplified the scope and importance of the challenges facing higher education and accelerated the pace at which they must be confronted. The relentless pace of change, while trying and at times exhausting, has also pushed us to consider the many new opportunities and innovative approaches for all institutions of higher education.
The next stage for higher education, and therefore the practice of higher education law, will be defined by the rising prevalence of online and hybrid learning while ensuring our commitment to equity and diversity, the changing nature of work for faculty and staff, and the responses of higher education leaders to position institutions for the future.
Join us at NACUA’s 2021 Virtual Conference for a discussion with distinguished higher education leaders to understand how this changing environment has tested institutional leadership and highlighted the need for bold steps, innovative strategies, and nimble decision-making required for institutions to traverse the road ahead.
FEATURED SESSION • 11:00 A.M. – 12:15 P.M.
Supreme Court Update with Dean Erwin Chemerinsky
NACUA is once again pleased to welcome a leading national expert on the Supreme Court, Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, to guide us through his unparalleled overview and analysis of the current Supreme Court term and his predictions for the following term. Dean Chemerinsky will highlight cases with the potential to affect higher education and make insightful observations about the Court and the impact of recent events on its work. Join us at the 2021 Virtual Conference to consider developments and emerging trends throughout higher education law.
Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean and Jesse H. Choper Distinguished Professor of Law, University of California Berkeley School of Law |

Therese Leone, Moderator, Deputy Campus Counsel, University of California - Berkeley |
FEATURED SESSION • 11:00 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. ET
Ask The Pro: Washington Update with Terry Hartle
Join us to hear from a true expert in Washington politics, Terry Hartle, and benefit from his overview of the impact of the new administration on higher education policy. Attendees will receive an unmatched update on the impact of congressional and agency actions and statements on higher education policy and their legal impact, as well as predictions on what the current state of legislative and regulatory action or inaction may mean higher education over the next few years.
Terry Hartle, Senior Vice President, Government Relations and Public Affairs, American Council on Education
Stephen Sencer, Moderator, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Emory University |