Title IX Coordinator Training

Title IX Coordinators are responsible for overseeing the entire breadth of an institution's Title IX compliance efforts. This includes gender discrimination, sexual harassment, retaliation, sexual assault, and athletics. These are significant responsibilities. To be effective, Coordinators and other institutional personnel that work on Title IX matters should be well versed in the procedures, policies, and training mechanisms in place for addressing campus sexual harassment, sexual violence, and equity in athletics. It is crucial that Title IX Coordinators receive appropriate training to successfully handle the position's multiple responsibilities.

This course was updated in 2024 covers both the August 2020 and August 2024 Title IX regulations.

The course features access to:

  • Ten substantive modules and an introductory module. These modules contain pre-recorded webinars and many of the modules feature multiple prerecorded submodules. Each module includes assessment questions and a PowerPoint, and a list of resources is also available to participants.
  • Two interactive, live online forums with the course instructors offered each fall and spring semester (recordings are made available to those unable to attend live).

Participants can access course materials for one year from the date of purchase.

Note: The course addresses both the U.S. Department of Education’s August 2020 and 2024 Title IX regulations addressing sexual harassment. The 2020 regulations require institutions of higher education to make any Title IX training materials publicly available on their websites. Accordingly, course participants may post the updated course materials if they deem doing so appropriate in accordance with §106.45(b)(10). NACUA does not grant course participants permission to post course materials that were created prior to the release of the August 2020 regulations.

Who Should Participate?

This course is designed for campus Title IX Coordinators. After reviewing the schedule, institutions may determine that there are attorneys or other campus administrators who would benefit from the program as well.

Course Schedule

Fundamentals of the August 2020 and August 2024 Regulatory Requirements (pre-recorded webinars)  

Welcome Module

Module 1: Title IX Overview and Application

Topics covered:
  • Overview of Title IX statutory language
  • When does Title IX apply?
  • Scope of educational program and activities
  • Procedural definitions
  • Role of Title IX Coordinator

Module 2: Prohibited Conduct

  • Submodule 1: Title IX Sex-Based Discrimination
  • Submodule 2: Additional Sex-Based Discrimination Prohibitions

Module 3: Receiving a Report

  • Submodule 1: What’s a report? What’s our obligation with respect to reports?
  • Submodule 2: How should I reach out to a potential complainant? What should I cover in an intake meeting?
  • Submodule 3: What are supportive measures?
  • Submodule 4: When should the Title IX Coordinator initiate a complaint?

Module 4: Handling a Complaint

  • Submodule 1: What constitutes a complaint?
  • Submodule 2: What is an initial assessment?
  • Submodule 3: When can you dismiss a complaint, and who hears an appeal?
  • Submodule 4: When is an emergency removal appropriate?
  • Submodule 5: When is administrative leave appropriate?
  • Submodule 6: What are reasonable timelines?
  • Submodule 7: What goes into a notice of allegations?
  • Submodule 8: How does informal resolution work?
  • Submodule 9: What is required for investigations?
  • Submodule 10: What are the roles of advisors and support persons during the process?
  • Submodule 11: 2024 Regulations: Is a single investigator model right for your campus?
  • Submodule 12: What are the best practices for sharing evidence?
  • Submodule 13: What is required for the decision-making process?
  • Submodule 14: What is the process for appeals?

Module 5: Investigative Skills

  • How to make interviewees more comfortable
  • Information to cover at the start of an interview
  • How to structure questions to get the best information
  • How to ask hard questions
  • How to document interviews
  • Trauma-informed interviews

Module 6: Practical Hearing Skills

  • Submodule 1: Is it helpful to have a pre-hearing conference?
  • Submodule 2: What procedural elements are helpful at a hearing?
  • Submodule 3: How do I decide what questions to ask?
  • Submodule 4: How do I decide which questions are relevant?
  • Submodule 5: What is the role of the advisor and support person at the hearing?

Module 7: Writing a Decision

  • Submodule 1: How do I make a decision?
  • Submodule 2: What must be included in a written decision?
  • Submodule 3: What are the best practices for writing a decision?

Module 8: Title IX Training & Recordkeeping

  • Submodule 1: What training is required for employees under Title IX?
  • Submodule 2: What specific roles require additional training?
  • Submodule 3: What do I need to know about recordkeeping?
  • Submodule 4: Are there other training obligations I should be considering?

Module 9: Pregnancy and Parenting

  • Submodule 1: What do the 2024 Title IX regulations say about “pregnancy or related conditions”?
  • Submodule 2: How does the reasonable modification process work?
  • Submodule 3: What other statutes should I be aware of related to pregnancy or parenting?

Module 10: Athletics

  • Submodule 1: What is the requirement for equity in athletics, and how does the Department of Education determine if an institution is compliant?
  • Submodule 2: What considerations should be taken into account when adding or discontinuing athletic teams?
  • Submodule 3: What does the NCAA require in terms of handling sexual violence cases?
  • Submodule 4: What are some sticky issues relating to Title IX and athletics?

Live Forums


Tuesday April 8, 2025, 1:00-2:15 pm ET

  • Includes an opportunity for Q&A with course instructors.
  • Unable to attend live? The recording will be available on the course platform for all registrants within a week of the live forum


Monday, May 19, 2025, 12:00-1:15pm ET

  • Includes an opportunity for Q&A with course instructors.
  • Unable to attend live? The recording will be available on the course platform for all registrants within a week of the live forum.


Melissa Carleton

Melissa CarletonMelissa Carleton is Partner and Higher Education Chair at Bricker Graydon LLP. She is also the Vice President for Education and a Senior Consultant with her firm’s affiliate, INCompliance Consulting.  As an attorney for colleges and universities, she handles...

Lucy France

Lucy FranceLucy France received her B.A. from the University of California-Berkeley and her J.D. from the University of Montana School of Law, with honors, where she served as co-editor of the Montana Public Land Law Review, and was a member of the Moot Court team receiving the...

Bindu Jayne

Bindu JayneBindu Jayne currently serves as the Title IX Coordinator at Swarthmore College, where she is charged with coordinating the College’s centralized review, investigation, and resolution of reports of sexual assault and harassment and...

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Frequently Asked Questions

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