Whether advising about ways to minimize claims of discrimination or handling claims already made, attorneys who represent colleges and universities are faced with an ever-broadening array of legal considerations. Join colleagues from across the country to stay abreast of the latest developments in higher education discrimination law. Learn about the challenges campuses face when working to become more diverse and inclusive, hear the latest on Title IX and how to address sexual misconduct involving employees, learn how best to deal with employee activism and employee claims of free speech that intersect with non-discrimination programs, and explore ways to effectively manage a complex internal investigation.
This in-depth workshop will examine key issues and developments to help you advise and represent your higher education clients. Sessions will combine practical strategies and advice on how institutions can avoid discrimination claims and liability. Sessions will include:
- The new era in Title IX compliance;
- A focus on the life cycle of faculty claims, including FMLA, ADA, and workers’ compensation claims;
- A review of new rules relating to OFCCP compliance
In addition to regular sessions, discussion groups will allow participants to exchange ideas, pose questions, and share experiences and solutions with colleagues in a small-group setting. Discussion group topics will include discrimination issues of interest to religious institutions, discrimination issues in a unionized environment, and web accessibility. The workshop will wrap with a “stump the experts” session in which you will have the opportunity to ask experienced attorneys questions not addressed earlier in the workshop.
Please join your colleagues in Seattle to learn from experts and to discuss topics of common concern.
Who Should Attend
This program is at the advanced level. Presenters presume attendees have some familiarity and experience with higher education discrimination law. The workshop is directed to college and university counsel with responsibility for discrimination law matters in employment, student affairs, and contracting. Counsel may also wish to invite administrators with significant responsibilities for oversight of discrimination or Title IX programs, personnel and human resources, or student affairs.