Hannah Ross and Jeanne Kincaid, Students at Risk for Self-Harm: A Legal Update Addressing Leaves of Absence (January 21, 2021)
American Council on Education, “College and University Presidents Respond to COVID-19: 2020 Fall Term Survey, Part II” (Dec. 10, 2020) (student and employee mental health among top 2 concerns of college and university presidents).
American Council on Education, Mental Health Task Forces in Higher Education (2020) (synthesizing 16 task force reports to identify general operating procedures and common themes across task force recommendations related to mental health).
Paul G. Lannon, Jr., “Student Mental Health and Wellness: Providing Care, Avoiding Liability” (NACUA Workshop, Jan. 2020).
Paul Lannon, Hannah Ross, and Madelyn Wessel, “Students Who Pose a Risk of Self Harm: Individualized Assessments, Leave, and Conditions for Return” (NACUA Annual Conference 2018).
NACUA, Principles for Students who Pose a Risk of Self Harm (Jan. 26, 2018).
American Psychological Association, Telehealth Guide by State (last updated November 7, 2020) (electronic link only).
The JED Foundation, College Student Mental Health Toolkit (Aug. 2020).