The Financial Value Transparency Wake-Up Call: Navigating a New Compliance and Business Landscape



This webinar will be of interest to lawyers employed by colleges and universities within the Office of General Counsel and in various roles throughout the institution, outside counsel, and senior institutional leaders.  

Please note that NACUA requires all non-member registrants to affirm that they are eligible to participate in the webinar. NACUA’s Eligibility Requirements state that no participant may represent interests or undertake work adverse to the interests of NACUA Members, and that no participant represents any clients or claimants against any NACUA Member Institutions unless that client is itself a NACUA Member Institution.


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 Form Endorsement Letter  Payment
NACUA Member




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Affirmation Required 

To pay with a Visa, MasterCard,
or American Express, please select
“Credit Card” as payment option.

Special Registration Instructions for COVID-19:  We recognize that due to COVID-19, many of you are working remotely and are not able to convene in the same ways you might have in the past to watch a NACUA webinar.  In an effort to accommodate these unique circumstances, we have made an adjustment to our standard registration policy:  As before, your webinar purchase entitles you to a campus or firm registration.  Once you purchase this webinar, you will receive the access information via email 24-48 hours prior to the event. You may share this information with your campus counsel and other colleagues within your institution or organization, as you would if you were to invite your colleagues to watch the webinar together in a physical conference room.  For example, a University System Office may have multiple campuses, each of which would purchase a registration.  This does not permit registrants to share the access information with those outside of their campus or organization, whether NACUA members or not. Please note that only NACUA members who register for the program will have post-event access to the recording and materials. If a NACUA member shared the link with you, you will only have access to the materials and presentation during the live program. Non-member registrants will not have post-event access to materials or the recording and should plan to download the materials during the live program if they wish to view them after the webinar.