Terms of Use:
(1) An electronic copy of Cases, Problems, and Materials (CPM) is available free of charge to any instructor who has adopted The Law of Higher Education: Essentials for Legal and Administrative Practice as a required course text for students in a higher education law course in a college or university or as a text to be distributed to participants in a professional workshop. Please click here to download a copy of the CPM, which is a Word document of over 1,000 pages.
(2) Once an instructor has downloaded CPM, they may disseminate CPM or portions of it to the students or workshop participants in two ways (with the exception noted in point 5 below): (a) by printing hard copies and providing one copy to each student in the course or participant in the workshop; or (b) by further downloading their electronic copy of CPM to the instructor’s course website, to a university website or electronic reserve for course materials, or to an official workshop web site. For option (b), the downloaded electronic version must be password protected or otherwise accessible only to students registered in the course or participants registered in the workshop.
(3) Whichever way the instructor disseminates CPM, the title page and copyright page must be included at the front of the disseminated materials.
(4) Students and workshop participants may not disseminate CPM, or any portion of it, to any other person either by hard copy or electronically; and the instructor must place a notice to this effect in the course syllabus or workshop materials.
(5) Instructors may disseminate all, or any portions of, CPM, except that they may NOT disseminate Appendix B (“Guidelines for Working on Problems 1-22”) or Appendix C (“Guidelines for Completing Problem-Solving Exercises”). If an instructor uses any of these problems or problem-solving exercises in the course or workshop, however, they may disseminate a hard copy of the related guidelines for each such problem or exercise for feedback after work on it is complete – so long as the title page and Name of the higher education course or workshop
- Semester you are teaching the course or dates you are presenting the workshop
- Name of the institution where you will teach the course or of the sponsoring organization for the workshop
- Confirmation that you will be using the The Law of Higher Education: Essentials for Legal and Administrative Practice as a required text for the students in your course or participants in your workshop
- Confirmation that you agree to follow the terms of use set forth here.
- Your name, title, and e-mail address.